Monday, January 22, 2007

Take care of your feet - don't buy shoes that just look nice!

If your feet are anything like mine then you need to take a little extra special foot care than most. I wasn't always aware of it but when I began to get a number of foot related problems, it was pointed out by my GP that it was my shoes that were responsible for damaging my feet.

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I used to go for the hippest looking shoes around and gave little thought as to whether they were comfortable or even fitted how shoes should fit. In fact, how they looked was once a priority over how they felt until I began getting all kinds of foot problems. One of my biggest foot troubles has been sweaty feet and ignoring this resulted in some pretty sever bouts of athlete's foot that were never easy to clear up.

Many people's feet can produce over a cup of moisture per day, and when both the heat and moisture build up in our footwear, this creates an active source for these fungicidal organisms to develop and grow. So, the solution to this problem is dry aerated feet whenever possible.

If your feet seem to always be sweaty, you might want to get your doctor to prescribe Drysol or a similar product. This can really reduce the sweating, and if you use anti-fungal powder in all of your shoes and periodically between your toes, there is no reason why you should ever get reinfected by this awful infectious condition. -- Free Shipping and Free Returns!

Additionally, you might also want to try and wear shoes made of breathable materials such as leather or canvas. But athletes foot aside, poorly fitted shoes are often responsible for causing all types of foot pain and conditions.

If you can, buy high quality insoles as these take the pressure and pain away from the foot arch. Wearing shoes with plenty of room at the toe is also recommended. Many ladies like pointed toe styles but over time these squeeze the toes in so tightly that future problems are often inevitable. As for high heels, they can be terrible for feet. Therefore, stylish shoes with points and heels should be worn on occasions and not all day everyday if you care anything about personal foot care.

It's quite often the case that when we're young, our choice of shoes may cause some bearable discomfort to our feet, but if we continue to wear poorly fitted shoes over long periods of time, then that foot discomfort will materialize into foot pain and feet related problems. If a shoe is too loose it's bad, and if it's too tight it's also bad, which is why both quality and fitting is imperative for the well being of out feet.

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It's estimated that somewhere between 50-70% of all people don't know their actual shoe size, which is probably why so many of us suffer unnecessarily from feet related injuries and pains. The day I got my feet measured correctly in a reputable shoe store and heeded a little advice from those in the know, was the turning point for me, and my feet haven't felt nor looked so good in years.

Before buying shoes for myself, I contacted many different on-line stores and ultimately I found a couple of them which offer all kind of shoes for any occasion and also have cheap prices. If I were you, I would check them out because they are offering some discounts!

Zappos - absolutely the best shoes web shop! Free and fast shippment, tons of various shoe models, special offers, helpful customer service + gift ideas. I have only the best experience with Zappos!
Shoebuy - maybe the name doesn't say everything, but I assure you that here you can find any shoes you want. They have fast shipment, special offers, low prices!
Softmoc - they also have all the advantages mentioned above. They always have some special offers and right now they're offering 25% of discount.
IslandSurf - is another my favorite on-line shoes store. Low prices, wide selection of shoes, fast and reliable shipment are just some of the things I like at IslandSurf.
Shoe-Shop - among Shoebuy, I consider that this is one of the best on-line shoe stores. I believe that here is everything you'll ever need!
Heidi Klum Birkenstocks - if you like celebrity shoes...